A single serving of a potato will provide a person with 40% of the daily value needed of vitamin C; this will help keep the body from bruising easily.
Also, the potato will give you 20% of the potassium needed for your body each day; it is a needed element for everyone especially athletes- it helps stabilize the body when it is being over worked. One serving of skin-on potatoes (5.3- ounces) also contains 720 mg of potassium, making it an excellent source.
Potatoes provide 6% of iron; this element allows blood and oxygen to attach together. The lack of iron in a diet will cause a person to be more tired than usual no matter how much sleep you get.
How we feel and what we weigh relies largely on our bodies ability to deal with carbohydrates, how the body makes energy and how it balances our sugar levels.
The International bestseller Potatoes Not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD, Simon & Schuster, 1998 brought the potatoes back into the forefront of our diets worldwide after the 1970’s and 80’s low fat booms encouraged many people that Potatoes were fattening!
Top tips - Use organic - bake with skins on - add in a protein filling - beans, humus, prawns or chicken.
Mixed Tatties Mash - boil and mash sweet potatoes, parsnips and regular tatties Mmmmm!
