When we talk about gut health we mean the whole digestive system.
As important as a healthy digestion to absorb what we need, it is critical that we have good gut diversity and to have a bowel movement every 12-24 hrs. To do this we have to eat the right high fibre fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes nuts and seeds - Plant foods!
The fibre feeds our microbiome and keeps it diverse simply making sure it can do all the jobs we need it to do. This is a preventative factor for constipation, colon cancer, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Just increasing the right fibre foods every day is a great start - you will see and feel the difference.
When improving what you eat doesn't help, with symptoms of constipation, stomach pain, diahorrea, nausea, bloating, fatigue is where my Whole Body Approach can help.
Often, life, a virus, a travel bug, anxiety and or stress can throw our gut function off track.
We don't tolerate foods like we did, our hangovers seem worse, there is consistent gut pain that we just get used to.
These signs tell us we need to look at digestive function and our gut health.
If we take note of the little symptoms they are less likely to evolve into something more serious.
Our guts are as unique to us as our fingerprint, not one thing works for all, so if your digestion is upset or not functioning this needs to be investigated by a whole system approach.
What are you eating, what don't you eat? what makes it better or worse? how long has this been going on for and is it related to any past illness?
We need to get to the root of these symptoms and set up a plan to resolve symptoms, find a toolkit for better health.
How do we do this?
By listening closely to symptom patterns and sometimes using functional testing - stool and or bloods, can help us get to the root of debilitating symptoms and lead us in the right direction.
This leads us to the right foods, lifestyle changes, supplements and or herbal tonics, to properly change our gut function and get back to optimal health.When our gut is well, we feel well from within.
Bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, stomach & gut pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, food intolerance's, allergies, are all warning signs.
I can help you to make small changes that will improve how you feel.
Your energy levels will increase and I will share with you information that will set you on a journey to feeling healthier for the rest of your life.

In my Gut Feeling Programme we will work together over a period of three months, we'll meet either in person or on Zoom, or both!
We'll dive deep into your health, look at what is working and what is not, using my Whole Body System
We'll breakdown what and when you are eating.
We'll review foods, supplements and treatments that you have tried before.
We'll run a Gut Microbiome panel to see where your gut bacteria is at & here we can improve
We'll discuss other testing options from your genetics to blood markers that may be holding you back.
I'll develop a unique food plan for you focusing on what you need to add in & foods to be avoided. I may also dispense a herbal tincture to treat any ongoing symptoms or supplement inclusions for your short, medium and perhaps long-term health goals.
During our three months together, we will check in with your progress on your chosen markers and adjust your plan accordingly. This is your journey back to a healthier more energetic & ultimately happier you.
Come and work with me to feel what is is like to have a fully functional and thriving happy gut.
Say goodbye to life limiting, uncomfortable, annoying symptoms like bloating, pain, intolerance's to multiple foods that stop you living life to the full.
Email lou@tonichealth.co.uk or fill your details in below.
Investment £495 (excludes further tests, tinctures, or supplements).